July 30th, 2017
With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP of
- 15 handstand push-ups
- 30 deadlifts 155/205
- 45 inbred cousins 15/20
- 60 box jumps 20/24
- 100 overhead squats 45/65
Chris & Louisa - 2 + 61 RX
- 1 x 1 power clean + 5 push press
- Chris - 155
- 5 x 5 snatch pull
- Chris - 135
- 4 x 12 stanging single arm dumbbell press
- Chris - 30, 35, 35, 30
- 3 x 10 pull-up
- Chris - 10, 10, 10
- 3 x 6 back squat (70%)
- Chris - 205
- 3 x 20 double knees-to-elbow
- Chris - 20, 20, 20