
  • 1 x 3 clean and jerk (daily max)
    • Chris - 165, 175(1)
  • 3 x 8-12 pull-ups (add weight if necessary)
    • Chris - 25(8), 15(8), 10(8)
  • 3 x 10-15 banded lat pull-down
    • Chris - green band 15, 15, 15
  • 2 x 10-15 one arm dumbbell row (reach failure)
    • Chris - 70(15), 90(11)
  • 3 x 10 standing band twists (10 per side)
    • Chris - blue band 10, 10, 10
  • 2 x 10-15 dumbbell side raises (reach failure)
    • Chris - 20(10), 15(10)

Benchmark WOD “Diane”

21-15-9 reps of

  • deadlift 225
  • handstand push-ups

Chris - 6:31 RX