August 30th, 2017
- 3 x 2 snatch (85%, 130)
- Chris - 135, 135, 135
- 2 x 3 clean and jerk (85%, 150)
- Chris - 165, 170
- 2 x 3 front squat (85%, 235)
- Chris - 245, 245
- 4 x 10 landmine oblique twists (for quality, 15)
- Chris - 10, 10, 10, 10
- 3 x 20 toes-to-bar (strict if possible)
- Chris - 20, 20, 20
(from @crossfitpd) 3 rounds of
- 400m run
- 12 thrusters (135)
- 21 burpees
Chris - 17:10 RX