(from @treelinecrossfit) Strength

  • 1 x 8 push jerk (daily max)

Chris - 75kg/166lb

5 minute EMOM of

  • 1 x 8 push jerk (80% of daily max)

Chris - 60kg/133lb

For time

  • 30 single arm dumbbell push presses (15 per arm, 50lb)
  • 120 double-unders
  • 30 burpee box jump overs

Chris - 3:46 RX

For time

  • 400m farmers carry (53lb)

Chris - 2:56, 50lb dumbbells

Rest exactly 1 minute, then 5 minute AMRAP of

  • toes-to-bar
  • 100m run each time you drop from bar

Chris - 57 toes-to-bars