October 3rd, 2017
(from @treelinecrossfit) For time
- 1600m run
- 3:00 rest
- 800m run
- 2:00 rest
- 400m run
- 1:00 rest
- 200m run
Chris - 5:08, 2:22, 0:58, 0:32
- 1 pause split jerk (work to daily max)
Pause 0:02 in the dip and 0:02 in the split
Chris - 90kg/199lb
Every 1:00x10
- 1 split jerk (85-90% of daily max above)
Chris - 80kg/177lb
For time
- 9-7-5 muscle-up
- 30-20-10 snatch (34kg/75lb)
Chris - 8:54