(from @treelinecrossfit) Every 0:30 * 8

  • 15 double-unders
  • 1 squat snatch (70%/53kg)

Rest 1:00, then repeat at 75%/57kg (with rest), 80%/60kg (with rest)

Chris - 53kg/117lb, 57kg/126lb, 60kg/133lb

Then every 1:00 * 4

  • 30 double-unders
  • 1 squat snatch (85-90%/64kg-68kg)

Chris - 64kg/142lb

Finally, take 3 attempts at heavy single

Chris - 67kg/148lb, 72kg/159lb, 75kg/166lb (miss)

For reps, 10:00 AMRAP, 3-6-9-12…

  • clean and jerk (115lb/52kg)
  • toes-to-bar

Chris - 108 reps

For quality, with a 7:00 clock

  • 0:20 peg board compact hold
  • 0:10 rest
  • 0:20 l-sit hold

Chris - yep