(from @treelinecrossfit) Every 2:00 x 9

  • 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 touch-n-go clean and jerk

Beat your weight on the way back up

Chris - 55kg/122lb, 60kg/133lb, 65kg/144lb, 68kg/150lb, 71kg/157lb, 70kg/155lb, 67kg/148lb, 62kg/137lb, 57kg/126lb

For calories, 2 rounds

  • assault bike tabata

Chris - 102 calories (52,50)

Every 1:00 x 16 (alternate)

  • 3 muscle-ups + 6 strict dips
  • 3 burpees + 5 strict toes-to-bar + 5 kipping toes-to-bar
  • 10 clean and jerks (135lb)
  • 12 wallballs

Chris - yep