November 18th, 2017
(from @treelinecrossfit) 21:00 AMRAP, first 7:00
- 10 power snatches (34kg/75lb)
- 5 burpee over-the-bar
- 5 strict towel pull-ups
Next 7:00
- 10 goblet squats
- 5 kettlebell swings
- 5 strict towel pull-ups
Last 7:00
- 5 calorie ski
- 5 push-ups
- 5 strict towel pull-ups
Run 250m with medicine ball, perform 2 rounds, then run again
Chris - 10 rounds
For quality, every 1:00 x 10
- 5 dumbbell clean and jerk (40lb)
- 5 shoulder to overhead (40lb)
Chris - 40lb dumbbell cleans
For time
- 50 GHD sit-ups
- 50 calorie ski
- 50 GHD sit-ups
Chris - 9:21